Posted tagged ‘resources’

My Favorite Resources

October 28, 2009

I’ve been spending a fair amount of time combing the internet for information about Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy. Sadly, there are still not a lot of directly related resources. Nevertheless, I have found a  few good ones that I have been visiting pretty regularly. Here they are, in no particular order:


The DOC is just awesome. I have been lurking for several years now, and I guess it is about time to come to the surface. These are the sites I have been pouring over for the last month or so:

    If you have been keeping track of the  DOC for any length of time, you are probably aware of Kerri’s blog and her advocacy for diabetics, especially those of us who live with Type 1. Well, she is pregnant now, and I am once again amazed at how closely her life has paralleled mine. Could we have been separated at birth?
    Lyrecha, aka Cheryl Alkon, told us all about her journey to motherhood, complete with her struggles with Type 1 Diabetes and infertility.  I have been  avidly reading her archives. Her most recent post tells us that she is working on a book (how cool is that?!). Her pregnancy was a complete success and she is thinking about baby number two. What an inspiration!
    Suzanne at Facing New Life as a Born Again Diabetic, is 16 weeks pregnant. Her story from non-compliance, to healthy and happy, to pregnant and still healthy, is another inspiration to me.


Most of these are not directly related to both Type 1 and Diabetes, but they cover either one or the other.

    The Website for the American Pregnancy Association has become one of my favorites for explanations of symptoms and side effects. When I wonder “Is this normal?,” this site gives me the reassurance I’m looking for and the information that explains “Why?”
    The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation provides a fair amount of honest, straight-forward information about diabetes and pregnancy. In particular, I am most impressed with their information about the odds of passing this disease on to my child.


I haven’t found any books about pregnancy and type 1 yet, but I am pouring over these books that just cover pregnancy.

  • What to Expect When Your Expecting
    Written by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazul, this old standby was revised in 2008 for the modern mom. I am really impressed with the wealth of information and the down-to-earth, conversational tone. I am checking into this book at least once a day lately!

Those are the resources I have found useful lately. Do you know of any others? I’d love to hear about them!