Let the Third Trimester Begin!

So this week marks the official beginning of the third trimester. I am so proud of my husband and me for making it this far and am so relieved and happy that Baby NoName is doing so well.

I never expected this whole journey to be a walk in the park, but I also was not prepared for all of the changes that I would experience. From nausea, to fatigue, to emotional roller coasters, to pain in the rear, it seems like I’ve experienced every pregnancy-related symptom in the book. Add the additional responsibilities of a diabetic pregnancy, including an average of 16 BG checks a day, never-ending doctor appointments, and frequent basal and bolus rate changes, and this journey has become a full-time job in and of itself.

This situation makes keeping up at work, in my class, and around the house especially difficult. Thankfully, my husband is picking up a lot of the slack at home. From preparing meals to doing dishes, to folding clothes, and even waking me for late-night BG checks, he really has been going above and beyond. It has been hard for me to admit that I can’t do it all, especially when it comes to my diabetes management, but I am learning to let him help me where he can. I definitely could not have done this without him!

Things do not get any easier from here, though! Next week, the doctor appointments start in earnest. As if an average of two appointments a week was not enough, I am now guaranteed AT LEAST three appointments a week. Two appointments are for non-stress tests, in which my belly will be wrapped in some type of monitor so that the “Fetal Evaluation Department” at the hospital can keep tabs on the baby’s vitals. After at least one of these appointments each week, I will waddle over to the high-risk OB’s office for an evaluation there, too.

Aside from these “regular” appointments, I will also have my eyes checked again for any signs of retinopathy, and we will do another fetal echocardiogram.

Sidenote: Do you have any idea how expensive a fetal echocardiogram is? I just got the bills, one from the hospital and one from the doctor, and the total before insurance was $2239! And they want to do three of these! /Sidenote

There is no denying that this journey is a ton of work, but it is so worth it. Through it all, I am just so happy to have made it this far without any complications. Here’s hoping that Baby NoName (and my body!) can hang on until my due date!

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4 Comments on “Let the Third Trimester Begin!”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Congratulations on reaching your 3rd trimester! I can’t believe how quickly your pregnancy is going (although, it probably feels a lot longer to you). I’m very happy for you and can’t wait to see some photos once your little guy is born.

  2. Saffy Says:

    Woot! Woot! Being a T1 and pregnant IS a full time job. But hey – you’re so well on the way now that soon (but not too soon) you’ll be snuggling your bundle of baby joy. Cluck!

  3. Annie Says:

    Congrats on getting this far, Nici! Good luck in the 3rd trimester, I’ll be eager to follow your story. Sending lots of good wishes!! 🙂

  4. Jacquie Says:

    As a Type 1 who’s working on the baby thing, I have to say that you’re kinda scaring the crap out of me.

    I’m proud of you, though!

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